OnDeMove Stories

Combination between speech amplifiers and advanced hearing aids

A revolution in the hearing industry! From Halmstad, Sweden.

Previously, your choices for addressing hearing loss were limited to two options:

  • Speech amplifiers – simple and noticeable
  • Hearing aids – discreet and concealed

Using a simple technique, the visible speech amplifiers work best in conversations between two people. Hearing aids focus on being as small as possile for easy concealment, which often limits the amount of hearing power they offer.

Now, introducing the TYR hearing amplifier a Swedish innovation offering exceptional hearing power.

By putting the latest technology from hearing aids into a visible hearing device, the result is that you get maximum hearing power in the TYR hearing amplifier.

Groundbreaking range of up to 20 metres
Opening doors to enriched social experiences! Fully participate in the family dinner or enjoy the visit to newly opened restaurant in town.

More natural sound reproduction
With an extended frequency range than normally found in hearing aids, TYR gives you a more natural sound reproduction.

Best of all – no hearing test or fitting needed for this incredibly convenient hearing amplifier.

Hörselförstärkare TYR - kombination mellan hörapparat och samtalsförstärkare. Bild med ljudvågor.

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Who can benefit from TYR?

Who can benefit from TYR?

TYR eliminates the need for audiological testing and waiting periods. This hearing amplifier comes pre-adjusted to accommodate mild to moderate age-related auditory impairment. But how can you determine if TYR is a good fit for your needs? Discover more about whether TYR is the right hearing amplifier for you here.

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