OnDeMove Stories
Hearing problems are common
It’s time to start a conversation about hearing loss, a topic that has remained largely overlooked despite affecting over 466 million people worldwide. We believe it’s about time we broke the silence surrounding this issue.
Traditionally, wearing hearing devices has unfortunately often carried a stigma, unfairly many people may associate wearing hearing devices as a sign of being old. That it changes the way people look at you. We are committed to changing that perception. Our vision is to revolutionize the way hearing devices are seen – we envision them as stylish accessories, seamlessly enhancing your overall look.
We believe that hearing aids are no different from visual aids like a fashionable pair of glasses. They are not just functional devices; they serve as accessories that enhance your character and express your unique personality. In our eyes, hearing amplifiers are a remarkable tool that not only supports your hearing but also adds a touch of elegance to your overall look.
However, we understand that some individuals may still worry about the visibility of a hearing amplifier. That’s why we introduce TYR – an accessory designed to seamlessly blend into your everyday attire, effortlessly complementing your refined taste and personal fashion choices.
Weighing just 39 grams and measuring a mere 7 cm at its highest point, TYR remains discreetly tucked around your neck unnoticed. With its sleek and streamlined design, TYR ensures that no one will suspect the powerful technology at your disposal unless you decide to share it.
We empower individuals with hearing loss to confidently embrace their unique sense of style. Together, let’s redefine the way we think about hearing loss and embrace a new era of hearing accessories.

Not taking care of your hearing can have negative consequences
With respect for the stigma and discomfort associated with using hearing aids, to take care of your hearing is important. Extensive research supports the negative consequences that can arise from neglecting hearing loss.
Compelling studies reveal a strong correlation of hearing loss and dementia. Difficulties in hearing sounds at a level of 20dB or higher have been identified as a risk factor for developing dementia. A specific study on dementia examined various parameters that are risk factors for developing the disease, emphasizing that hearing loss was the top risk factor.
Untreated hearing loss can be linked to effects on mental health, such as depression, while increasing the likelihood of falls – a potential safety concern. Additionally, hearing loss can lead to social exclusion, limiting individuals from fully embracing unrestricted lives. We want to change that. Take control of your hearing today!
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Combination between speech amplifiers and advanced hearing aids
The TYR hearing amplifier merges the functionalities of a speech amplifier and an advanced hearing aid. What’s the difference with a visible hearing device?
Who can benefit from TYR?
TYR eliminates the need for audiological testing and waiting periods. This hearing amplifier comes pre-adjusted to accommodate mild to moderate age-related auditory impairment. But how can you determine if TYR is a good fit for your needs? Discover more about whether TYR is the right hearing amplifier for you here.
Alternative solutions beyond conventional hearing aids
Discover the differences between hearing amplifiers, standard speech amplifiers, and hearing aids. What features sets TYR apart? Dive deeper into these differences and make comparisons.